While the application letter, curriculum vitae, and job references belong in the application folder, references do not have to be given. In addition, employers rarely ask for references, but prefer to get their own picture of the applicant. Nonetheless, providing references could be useful and tip the scales for an employer when it comes to recruitment. So here you will find everything you need to know about references.

References offer, in addition to the job reference, another platform to highlight your personal and professional strengths. It is possible to send references both in writing and in oral form. For the former, add a letter of recommendation to your records for the HR manager. In the latter case, please include the contact details of the reference persons in the CV, who will provide verbal information about you as an employee.

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What information do HR managers obtain from the reference persons?

Basically, the HR manager would like to get a more detailed picture of you from your previous employer or whoever you specified as a reference person. He or she will therefore want to find out more about your work at the time, your dealings with customers and colleagues, and your personality. It is also quite possible that the HR manager asks your reference provider directly whether you would be suitable for the future job and why. It is therefore advisable to note the previous employers as reference persons, as they are probably best able to provide information about your work performance. You should avoid giving ex-colleagues as reference persons. Former employers are a better contact for assessing your performance.

Who is suitable as a reference person and how do I best get a reference?

In any case, you should carefully consider who can be used as a reference person. Since you want to present yourself as positively as possible, you should be sure that the people you contact are friendly to you. It is best to give former supervisors as reference persons, but professors at the university or trainers in the sports club can also be given. However, you should note that the reference providers are in a higher position than you. In addition, you should give at least two, preferably three, different people as references so that the HR manager can form an objective opinion about you.

If you have decided on two or three reference persons, it is best to ask them directly whether they could imagine giving you a positive reference. While no names need to be mentioned in the application letter, you should have at least two names ready for reference during the interview. Therefore, you should inform the reference provider before the interview that someone from the future job could contact you.

Using the Right References & Preparing Them for Questioning | LRO Staffing

What do I do if I am looking for a new job before I quit?

In this case, it is difficult to ask your current manager for a reference, as he will immediately be aware of your possible job change. If possible, you should use a former boss or service provider. When a manager changes, this is the ideal opportunity to ask for a reference. In this way, you also secure yourself with a positive reference person in case it does not work with the new manager. Former employers are not allowed to be contacted by a recruiter and pass on information about you without your consent. You, therefore, have full control over who can provide information about you.

  • If you would like more tips on the subject of references as a checklist, you can find out more here.
  • We have also prepared a specially compiled reference guide for you to print out.
  • Instead of references, written job references are sometimes preferred. You can read here how to decrypt job references secret codes.